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Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv (ACBC)

Parramatta Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv will offer a personal reflection on the atrocities of the Vietnam War at an Australian Catholic Historical Society event next month. Source: Catholic Outlook.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War (1954-1975). The war was a protracted conflict between the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam (known as the Viet Cong) against the government of South Vietnam and eventually its principal ally, the United States. 

The death toll was extensive, with as many as 3.8 million casualties in total, and nearly half of these deaths were civilians.

Bishop Long has previously told his story in Catholic Outlook, explaining how following the fall of Saigon in 1975, he and his family were forced to flee their home of Vietnam. 

 “I left on a very small boat, only six or seven metres in length. We had over 100 people on board, so it was extremely overcrowded,” he recalled. 

His religious motto to “go into the deep” (Luke 5:4) was spurred by his past experiences as a second-generation refugee. 

“The challenges that faced me then, including being a refugee have shaped me into the person I am today,” he said. 

Bishop Long said he feels the plight of today’s refugees, and implored future change in attitudes and policies in Australia’s treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. 

“As Christians, we cannot remain content with the status quo, especially when that status quo is less than what God wants for us as individuals and as a community. 

“Australia is a wonderful country, but where it is in terms of its treatment of asylum seekers should galvanise us into action.” 

The event will be held on Sunday, March 16 at 2pm in the Crypt of St Patrick’s at Church Hill (Grosvener Street), The Rocks, Sydney. 

The event is part of a series hosted by ACHS, which kicked off in February.  For the full speaker program, please visit the ACHS website.


50 years on: Bishop’s set to share personal Vietnam War story at Sydney gathering (By Belinda Gadd, Catholic Outlook)