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For The Diary Safeguarding

Renowned safeguarding expert to lecture in Australia

Internationally renowned safeguarding expert Fr Hans Zollner SJ will touch down in Brisbane early next month to embark on a two-week long speaking tour of Australia. Source: ACSL.

For The Diary

Exploring the gains and losses in lay apostolate

The Cardijn Lecture for 2024 will be delivered by Dr Patricia Jones on Thursday 14 November, exploring the theme: ‘Patrick Keegan, first lay auditor to address Vatican II’. Source: Australian Cardijn Institute.

For The Diary

Mission conference’s invitation to ‘Choose Hope’

The Mission One Heart Many Voices conference to be held in Sydney from May 19-21 next year will be an invitation to ‘Choose Hope’, featuring guest speakers from Australia and overseas. Source. Catholic Mission.

For The Diary History

Exploring the multicultural heritage of early Christianity

“Shepherd at the Crossroads: Converging Traditions in Early Christianity” is the theme of a symposium to be held at Campion College in western Sydney next month.

Evangelisation For The Diary

How to express yourself in the workplace 

The Areté Centre for Missionary Leadership will host an online event discussing how to express one’s faith in the workplace. 

For The Diary Saints

Invitation to celebrate Mary MacKillop Feast Day 

Mary MacKillop Place, the Sisters of Saint Joseph and Mary MacKillop Today are inviting people to celebrate the feast day of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop on Thursday, August 8.

For The Diary Health

Moral distress and burnout at ‘crisis’ point in health sector

Moral distress and burnout are at crisis proportions in the health sector, say two bioethicists who will discuss the topic in a webinar on Wednesday. Source: ACU.

For The Diary Priesthood

Lecture series to focus on future of priesthood

Conversations around the role, function, and future of the ministerial priesthood in Australia will be at the centre of a new lecture series honouring the founding president of the Manly Union. Source: ACU.

Ecology For The Diary

Convocation a call to action in caring for our common home

Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare team is inviting schools, parishes, diocese, organisations, and religious orders to join its 2024 Season of Creation convocation.