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Archdiocesan Ministries children and families team members Sam Sachse and Charlotte Pitot (The Catholic Leader/Joe Higgins)

Activity packs designed by Brisbane’s Archdiocesan Ministries children and families team aim to make the Year of Jubilee come alive for the archdiocese’s littlest “pilgrims of hope”. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Project officer Charlotte Pitot said their team had looked at what activities were available to make the most of the year and noticed a lack of resources for children.

She said the year was a “great celebration of the Church” and children should have a chance to get involved.

The team decided to fill that need – and make it fun in the process.

The activity pack has activities designed to explore what it means to be a pilgrim, such as a “mini pilgrimage” activity with a “pilgrim passport”, shell decorating and a prayer.

The activities are designed to be adaptable for school, parish and home settings as well as for multiple age groups.

“The resources are so adaptable in that they can be used for individual children, but they can be used in large groups such as a classroom context,” Ms Pitot said.

She said when their families, Church communities and schools were celebrating an event like the Jubilee, children naturally had a lot of questions.

“These activities can help answer the questions children might have about the Jubilee and what it means for them on their journey with God,” Ms Pitot said.

She said a guiding philosophy was how best to “meet children where they’re at on their journey” without condescension while using methods and language that resonated with them.

“We’re definitely on the right track of bringing these kids closer to Jesus because we’re walking their walk and talking their talk – and I think that’s really important.”

The activity packs are available as downloadable PDFs on the Archdiocesan Ministries website.


New activity packs encourage children to journey with Jesus in Year of Jubilee (By Joe Higgins, The Catholic Leader