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Liturgy Vatican

Vatican clarifies rules for transferred holy days of obligation

When a holy day of obligation falls on a Sunday and so is transferred to another day, the Catholic faithful are encouraged to attend Mass, but they are not obliged to do so, the Vatican says. Source: Catholic Review.

Liturgy Media

‘Mass for You at Home’ to continue in 2025

Australia’s longest-running religious television program, Mass for You at Home, will continue its beloved ministry in 2025. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Bishops Liturgy

Bishops collaborate in international project to update Lectionary

The bishops’ conferences of Australia, Ireland and New Zealand are pooling their expertise and resources in a joint Lectionary project. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Liturgy Pope Francis

Homilies must be short, about Jesus and inspired by the Holy Spirit: Pope  

Homilies must be prepared with the help of the Holy Spirit, be shorter than 10 minutes and put the spotlight on the Lord, not oneself, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: NCR Online.

Liturgy North America

Vatican decision transforms Indigenous expressions into ‘liturgy of the Church’

The Vatican has approved a series of liturgical adaptations for Indigenous communities in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Source: CNA.


New agency aims to help people deepen their encounter with Jesus

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has announced the establishment of a new Archdiocesan agency, the Centre for Christian Initiation and Liturgy,which will further the work already undertaken by two existing agencies, the Office of Christian Initiation and the Centre for Liturgy. Source: The Record.

Liturgy United States

Americans ask Vatican not to further restrict Latin Mass

Following the example of a group of British cultural identities, a group of American Catholic and non-Catholic personalities have asked Pope Francis not to further restrict the traditional Latin Mass. Source: NCR Online.

Liturgy United Kingdom

British public figures oppose ‘banishment’ of Latin Mass from parishes

A group of 48 British public figures has signed a letter published in The Times opposing further restrictions on the celebration of the Mass in the old rite. Source: The Tablet.

In The Dioceses Liturgy

Young Catholics choose ‘divine and uncompromising’ Latin Mass

A Melbourne church that holds Mass in Latin has been described as one of the fastest-growing parishes in the archdiocese. Why are so many young Catholics travelling hours to get there, asks Angus Mackintosh. Source: ABC News.