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Health South East Asia

Celebrating 20 years of better health care in Timor Leste

A partnership that began 20 years ago with pathology support has grown into development programs for Timorese health care workers. Source: St John of God Health Care.

History South East Asia

Josephites’ pioneering work in education lives on in Timor-Leste today

As the 25th anniversary of the referendum for Timor-Leste’s independence approaches, international development organisation Mary MacKillop Today has reflected on the education opportunities started by Australian Josephites 30 years ago.

Education South East Asia

‘Indonesia Goes to School’ in South Australia

Indonesian language students in South Australian Catholic schools will benefit from the extension of a landmark partnership between Catholic Education South Australia and the Indonesian embassy in Canberra. Source: The Southern Cross.

Religious Freedom South East Asia

Indonesian Christians hail move to ease building of churches

Christians in Indonesia have supported a plan to end the need for a mandatory nod from the religious harmony forums when building houses of worship, including churches. Source: UCA News.

Papal Trip South East Asia

Struggle for independence made faith stronger in Timor-Leste

As the Church in Timor-Leste prepares for Pope Francis’ visit, the Dili Archdiocese’s vicar general says the event’s motto emphasises the close link between the Catholic faith of the East Timorese people and their culture and recent troubled history. Source: Vatican News.

Marriage South East Asia

Bishops warn against legalising divorce in Philippines

Catholic bishops in the Philippines have urged Filipinos to pause and reflect on how legalising divorce could affect families and society. Source: CBCP News.

Papal Trip South East Asia

Indonesian priest has Friendship tunnel vision

As Indonesia prepares to welcome Pope Francis in September, an Indonesian Vatican official hopes that while visiting a high-profile mosque, the Pope will walk through an underground tunnel connecting it to the Catholic cathedral across the street. Source: Crux.

Modern Slavery South East Asia

Catholic politician suspected of human trafficking

Police in Indonesia’s Christian-majority East Nusa Tenggara province named a Catholic politician as a suspect in a human trafficking case that triggered protests from rights activists and Church groups. Source: UCA News.

Marriage South East Asia

Philippines takes step towards legalising divorce

As the Philippines moved closer to legalising divorce from marriage, a leading Catholic bishop warned that “divorce weakens the fabric of society”. Source: Crux.