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HIgher Education Veterans

ACU welcomes final report into veterans’ suicides

Australian Catholic University has welcomed the release of the final report from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.


Veterans Care Association says royal commission report ‘will improve lives’

Brisbane Deacon Gary Stone said the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide final report was a “goldmine of information” for people interested in delivering care for veterans. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Veterans return to Timor-Leste 25 years after deployment

Memories of hardship, sacrifice and camaraderie are at the forefront of veteran John Smith’s mind as he and 24 other ANZAC veterans make a return journey to Timor-Leste 25 years after their deployment. Source: The Catholic Leader.

HIgher Education Veterans

Veterans to benefit from new ACU initiatives

More Defence personnel and their families will flourish thanks to Australian Catholic University initiatives backed by commitments totalling almost $2 million from the Albanese Government.

Mental Health Veterans

Sir Peter emphasises role of spiritual healing in health care

Sir Peter Cosgrove, patron of a major Catholic hospital project, has praised the spiritual element of health care as most needful, in a fast-changing society where many people are being left behind. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

HIgher Education Veterans

New app to help veterans transition from military to higher education

Thanks to a funding boost from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Australian Catholic University will develop an app to coach veterans through their transition to higher education.