Parents with students at Catholic schools in the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese are facing a 7 per cent hike in fees next year. Source: RiotACT.
A 2023 fee schedule sent to parents at St Matthews Primary School in Page shows the tuition fee set by Catholic Education Canberra rising to $489 a term.
School levies of $397.50 and the $200 tax deductible building fund take the term fees to $1086, or $4346 for the year.
Acting Principal Petra Cole told parents that this represented an increase of 7 per cent on last year, “in line with rising salaries and costs required to ensure our school continues to deliver quality education”.
Catholic Education confirmed this would be the expected fee increase for ACT primary schools in 2023.
Catholic Education Director Ross Fox blamed ACT and Australian Government funding decisions, as well as inflation, for the fee rises.
Mr Fox said Catholic Education strove to keep fees as low as possible, but it was important that “all income, including fees, keep pace with increasing education costs amidst the changing funding environment.”
Catholic schools are also facing pressure from teachers taking industrial action in support of pay claims.
In NSW, parents sending their children to Catholic schools will fare better than their ACT counterparts, only having to fork out about 5 per cent more next year.
Mr Fox urged any parent or carer concerned about the fees at their school next year to contact their principal.
“Catholic Education seeks to support every family in need in respect of fees and believes no child should be denied a Catholic education because of fees,” he said.
Catholic school fees to rise 7 per cent in 2023 (By Ian Bushnell, RiotACT)