Caritas Australia’s “Women for the World” event brought Australians together to stand in solidarity with their sisters across the globe, raising $106,000 in just one day for programs supporting women and girls.
Described by co-founder of the event Michelle Fernon as a “global sisterhood that crosses borders, connects communities and creates change”, Women for the World highlights the need for continued focus on women’s empowerment and rights, particularly in vulnerable communities.
The Sydney event on November 10 was attended by over 150 people including corporates, long-term supporters of Caritas Australia, board members and staff.
As a keynote speaker, Caritas Australia chief executive Kirsty Robertson said: “Women for the World is truly an amazing initiative, together we get to cross borders, together we get to create lasting change in the lives of women throughout the world.
“Poverty definitely has a woman’s face, in no country do women and men share exactly the same rights and women are still far more likely to live in poverty than men. We help women get an education, we help women access healthcare, and we help women have a voice. A voice is a powerful opportunity, one that we certainly take for granted here in Australia.”
Acting country director for Caritas Australia in Papua New Guinea, Roslyn Kuniata, spoke about Caritas Australia’s programs, including the Centre of Hope, a protection program that provides safe shelter for women and children impacted by sexual and gender-based violence.
Details: https://www.womenfortheworld.org.au/donate/
Caritas Australia raises over $100,000 for women and girls globally at their Women for the World fundraiser (Caritas Australia)