An American actor famous for playing Jesus Christ on television gave credit to the real Jesus for leading him to speak out publicly, for the first time, about his pro-life views. Source: CNA.
“This guy made me do it,” Jonathan Roumie told the crowd at the 2023 March for Life in Washington DC on Friday, pointing at the sky. “And I’m a better man for it.”
Roumie, a devout Catholic widely recognised for playing the role of Jesus on the popular TV series The Chosen, approached the podium to roaring cheers from the crowd.
Friday’s demonstration was the first national March for Life to be held since the overturning of Roe v. Wade last June, a US Supreme Court decision that did away with nearly 50 years of precedent allowing abortion nationwide.
“God is real, and he is completely in love with each and every one of you,” Roumie told tens of thousands of marchers, many of whom clutched homemade banners and signs bearing pro-life slogans.
“History has been made. Life has triumphed in an extraordinary way,” he said, “and the light of world, who is Jesus Christ, the author of life, his light has burned so very brightly within each and every one of you, irrespective of your specific beliefs, compelling you forward for one reason or another to stand together today to fight for the worthiest and noblest cause possible — which is to allow the unborn the right to enter into the world, and defeat those earthly forces who seek to destroy the very evidence of them.”
Jonathan Roumie: Pro-life advocacy the ‘worthiest and noblest cause possible’ (By Jonah McKeown, CNA)