Pope Francis has sent a video message to young people preparing to celebrate World Youth Day in Lisbon later this year. Source: Vatican News.
The Pope noted that more than 400,000 youth have registered to take part in the event from August 1-6.
He said the young people’s desire to travel to the Portuguese capital later this year fills him with joy.
Pope Francis pointed out that some people may think they are travelling as tourists but said there is likely a deeper reason for their decision.
“Any young person who goes to WYD goes because, deep down, he or she has the thirst to participate, to share, to tell their experience and receive the experience of others. They are thirsting for horizons.”
He added that WYD offers young people the chance to expand those horizons and to “look beyond”.
“Don’t put up a wall in front of your life,” he urged them. “Walls close you in; the horizon makes you grow. Always look at the horizon with your eyes, but look, above all, with your heart.”
The Pope said WYD brings together people from many walks of life and cultures and encouraged participants to open their hearts to those they will meet.
He thanked them for registering so far in advance and expressed his hopes that others will follow their example.
“May God bless you; may the Virgin take care of you. Pray for me, for I pray for you. And don’t forget: say ‘no’ to walls, and ‘yes’ to horizons.”
Pope on WYD 2023: ‘Young people thirst for horizons’ (By Devin Watkins, Vatican News)