The latest edition of Australian Catholics magazine, out this month, has a new look and feel. Source: Jesuit Communications.
Jesuit Communications staff and guests gathered for a morning tea last week to launch the redesigned autumn edition.
“This is the first major redesign we’ve had for the magazine in a number of years,” said Michael McVeigh, former Australian Catholics editor and current Jesuit Communications head of publishing.
“The new look is amazing, and really helps bring the magazine to life.”
Readers picking up the latest edition will find the magazine still features interesting and imaginative articles exploring Catholic faith and life, but with a new and fresh design.
Columns from regular writers have been slightly refocused. Ann Rennie’s column, In the footsteps of Mary, will still explore moments in daily life and their relation to the Church but now with a more woman-focused take, while in Things to Live For, Michael McGirr explores stories that help uncover the deeper ideas and experiences that give people’s lives purpose and meaning.
“Our goal has always been to provide a platform for intelligent, engaging writing, and our redesign helps make the magazine even more enjoyable to pick up and read,” Australian Catholics editor Michele Frankeni said.
“With a clean, modern layout and eye-catching graphics featuring interesting Catholic facts, readers will find it easier than ever to dive into our articles and learn new things.”
New look fresh content: Australian Catholics gets a makeover (Australian Catholics)