Parramatta Diocese has become the first Catholic entity to be accredited as a safe environment for children and adults at risk. Source: Catholic Outlook.
Over the past 12 months, the diocese’s chancery office participated in Quality Innovation Performance’s (QIP) Standards for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults pilot program. The chancery was audited against measurable standards based on the 10 principles for child-safe organisations recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
During a ceremony yesterday, Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited group chief executive Tina Janamian, on behalf of QIP chair Gary Smith, presented Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, with a certificate of accreditation.
“I am very pleased that we have stood up to scrutiny and that we are who we believe and who we tell the world we are meant to be in terms of a healthy, safe space for children and adults at risk,” Bishop Long said.
“The decision to engage with QIP sprang from our deep belief that the Church should not be overseeing itself, especially in this vital area.
“Safeguarding is a litmus test for the credibility of the Church and everything that we do.
“Our commitment to zero tolerance of abuse in any shape or form will enable us to be a credible conduit for the Gospel of justice, love and life flourishing that we proclaim.
“We renew our commitment to be a leading light for others in our society in this important space.”
Dr Janamian said that from the initial engagement in the accreditation process, the chancery team recognised and placed a high priority on the need to create and sustain a safe environment that protects the people they serve.
Diocese of Parramatta first Catholic organisation to achieve external safeguarding accreditation (By Mary Brazell, Catholic Outlook)