Religious education will be greatly enhanced in Catholic schools through a new podcast exploring key areas covered in the primary and secondary curriculum in ways that are readily accessible to all students whatever their faith background. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Sydney Archdiocese, in partnership with Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS), has launched “RE Search”, a weekly podcast during school term time with each podcast lasting no longer than 20 minutes.
It is presented by Andrew Martin, a senior religious education teacher with more than 20 years’ experience and who is currently with SCS.
Through interviews with special guests, including Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Meagher, each podcast explores key areas in the RE curriculum, from the writers of the Gospels and the unique personal stories of the saints through to the beauty of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue.
“We’re addressing the same questions that students raise in religious education classrooms,” Mr Martin said.
“They want to know who are the Gospel writers – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? How did they know Jesus? Were they eyewitnesses and if they weren’t, how can we trust what they’re saying? They’re hard questions and it’s not every day that the students benefit from being able to ask those questions of a bishop.”
Bishop Meagher said he believes the podcast will help complement the religious education syllabus by presenting content to students in more creative ways than has been possible in the past.
“Teaching isn’t a matter of just having an excellent syllabus. It’s also about the delivery, which needs to be interesting and engaging”, he said.
RE Search podcasts are available for download from The Catholic Weekly website.
New Podcast brings faith to students (By Michael Kenny, The Catholic Weekly)