The ACT Government has lodged plans for the development of a new health precinct, which will include a youth mental health service run by Marymead CatholicCare. Source: Canberra Times.
The facility in the inner-north Canberra suburb of Watson will be part of a broader health precinct which will also include a residential rehabilitation facility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and a youth rehabilitation service run by the Ted Noffs Foundation.
The Government will spend $49 million over the next three years on the redevelopment of the site. A development application has been lodged and the authority is seeking public feedback on the health precinct’s plans.
The site is currently home to a health facility, which already includes the Ted Noffs Foundation. This will be demolished to make way for the buildings.
There will be two separate developments in the precinct, including a two-storey building for the rehabilitation facility and four one- and two-storey buildings for the rest of the precinct.
Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith said the facilities would offer a “welcoming and inclusive environment” that would help encourage positive outcomes for young Canberrans.
Marymead chief Anne Kirwan said the organisation was “excited about the multi-million-dollar investment from the ACT Government into youth services at the Watson site”, the Canberra Weekly reported.
“STEPS – supporting young people through early intervention and prevention strategies – recognise that a young person’s environment is a vital component in mental health recovery,” Ms Kirwan said.
“The buildings are well past their use-by dates and the re-build will enhance the ability for STEPS to offer young people an inviting and comfortable therapeutic space, surrounded by nature with comforts of home, while they work towards their wellbeing goals.”
Residential rehabilitation facility part of new health precinct to be built in Watson (By Lucy Bladen, Canberra Times)
Watson health precinct open for public consultation (Canberra Weekly)