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Regina Menz (Armidale Catholic Schools)

Armidale Catholic Schools has appointed Regina Menz as its new director of schools. Ms Menz will take up the position on January 19. Source: Armidale Diocese.

Ms Menz’s experience in education commenced as a science teacher at Gundagai High School in 1990 and she has worked in Melbourne, Darwin and Wagga. Within Armidale Diocese, she taught at O’Connor Catholic College for nearly 11 years before moving to the role of education officer curriculum 7-12 in the Catholic Schools Office. In 2017, she returned to O’Connor Catholic College as the Principal. 

Since January 2022, Ms Menz has been a school performance leader and mission and learning team leader in the Catholic Schools Office. 

She is also well known in the diocese as a long-term parishioner of Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish, Armidale.

In a statement announcing the appointment, Msgr Edward Wilke, Diocesan Administrator Chair, and Peter Maher , Armidale Catholic Schools Board, said Ms Menz “has a strong reputation for innovation, educational excellence, and system transformation”.

“She also has an infectious enthusiasm for ensuring that all students achieve their best educational outcomes. She is keenly aware that each student is an individual with personal needs, challenges, motivators, and capacity to be a success.“

Ms Menz, who succeeds Chris Smyth in the role, said: “Our Catholic schools in regional, rural and remote areas are vital for the communities they serve. I look forward to working with all of you in our schools, the office, in our parishes and with the board to truly make a difference in our students’ lives, allowing them to be literate, numerate students for a hope-filled future.”


Announcement of Director of Schools appointment (Armidale Diocese)