Broken Bay Institute – The Australian Institute of Theological Education has joined the Sydney College of Divinity as a member institute.
In a statement announcing the move, BBI-TAITE said it had been an independent higher education provider “for some time” but it had “changed gear” and been accepted as a full member institute of the SCD for its accreditation status and practice.
“At BBI-TAITE we continue to monitor the work we do and the approaches we take to ensure that our teaching, courses, reach and pedagogy are in line with our mission,” the statement said.
“This has become more vital as we work with schools, teachers, leaders and school offices to maintain high-quality religious education and theological leadership during the current primary and secondary education environment.”
BBI-TAITE said the Sydney College of Divinity holds “university college” self-accrediting authority.
“These are distinct advantages for BBI-TAITE, providing a broader base of support in the tertiary world while maintaining the flexibility and adaptability that has been so important in the work of the Institute,” the statement said.
“A change like this can cause some confusion. The Institute is not closing. As a member institute of SCD we retain our integrity as an educational provider in light of our mission.
“Our students will remain well served, with minimum disruption. While going forward they will enrol in programs under the SCD banner, the courses, units, lecturers, academic standards and credit arrangements will be the same as the former BBI-TAITE awards.”
BBI-TAITE now a Member Institute of the Sydney College of Divinity: a University College (BBI-TAITE)