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Aid to the Church in Need staff hold up the prayer cards for peace in the Middle East (ACN)

Aid to the Church in Need is distributing 1.5 million prayer cards dedicated to promoting peace in the Holy Land and the broader Middle East region.

ACN has a long history of work in the Middle East, particularly during recent years, supporting Christians in the face of adversity. The Pontifical charity has been actively involved in the construction of churches, convents, and schools, working towards the restoration and preservation of Christian communities.

ACN Australia director Bernard Toutounji emphasised the organisation’s primary focus on enabling Christians to remain in their homes in the Holy Land and the Middle East. 

“These are the lands where the Lord Himself has walked, and they hold the foundation and history of Christianity,” Mr Toutounji said.

ACN has sent holy cards to Catholic schools and parishes in Australia and New Zealand and has invited Catholics to pray for people in the Holy Land and Middle East.

The image on the front of the prayer card is of an icon titled “Our Lady of Salvation”, which adorns the walls of a monastery Mr Toutounji recently visited in Syria as part of a trip to that country and Lebanon to meet with beneficiaries of ACN.

ACN has also launched an appeal to support Christians in the region.



Aid to the Church in Need distributes over 1 million prayer cards to intercede for the Holy Land (ACN)