In a year that has been dedicated to prayer by Pope Francis, Majellan Media has launched a new “Prayer is Life” podcast series featuring Redemptorist priest Father David Hore CSsR.
Whether you’re a person of faith or simply someone at a “crossroads in life”, Fr Hore said the podcasts can offer a deep reflection on how prayer can lead people to more “responsive and fulfilling lives, embodying the notion that prayer is life”.
Topics will include new ways of praying, simplifying prayer, how God presents to us in our daily lives, the challenges of praying, God’s need for our love, how we know if we are praying properly, and tips on how families can be more fully engaged in prayer.
Fr Hore said praying is simply a conversation with God.
“Praying can take place anywhere and at any time. A prayer can last a few seconds while walking along a street, sitting in a park, gazing at a waterfall or soaking in a beautiful sunset. But prayer is also about listening and, importantly, how we listen and interact with God.”
Fr Hore said a person’s life and prayer can’t be separated.
“Prayer becomes the ‘workshop of life’. In this sense work and prayer are intertwined. It’s also about a deeper journey of discovery and not just saying a prayer but having a greater appreciation and understanding of our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others, and with the world around us.”
Majellan Media CEO Tony Biviano said it was “a wonderful coincidence” that just as the series was due to be launched, Pope Francis announced this year to be a Year of Prayer ahead of the Church’s Jubilee Year in 2025.
The first 15-minute podcast titled, Introduction to Prayer, is now available at https://majellan.media/prayer-is-life-podcast/, on Spotify as well as Apple and other podcast outlets.
New podcast series explores the power of prayer (Majellan Media)