The Australian Catholic University’s Centre for Liturgy is helping to train lay liturgical ministers of the Word in Nigeria. Source: UCA News.
The online program aims to equip participants with the spiritual and technical skills needed to proclaim the Word and serve in their ministry effectively.
The four-week program, conducted throughout February, covered topics such as liturgy, the Bible, the Church’s liturgical year, and the documents and guidelines of the universal church. The program also addressed the specific needs and challenges of the church in Nigeria, such as the translation of the Bible, pastoral practice and cultural diversity.
Cathy Murrowood, liturgy educator at the ACU Centre for Liturgy, said the program was designed in consultation with the parish leaders in Nigeria, who expressed interest in a comprehensive and relevant training program from a dedicated liturgical centre.
“The Church in Nigeria places great importance on worship so they train their ministers well. They were looking for a comprehensive program from a dedicated liturgical centre with liturgy specialists. We are honoured to be able to offer this program to them and to support them in their ministry,” Ms Murrowood said.
She said the program was adapted to meet the specific needs of Nigerian lay ministers. Sixty Catholics participated in the training.
“We made changes to the translation of the Bible in the program so that technical exercises corresponded to the Lectionary used in Nigeria. We were able to discuss aspects of pastoral practice in the Nigerian church and make some adjustments to the program.”
The ACU Centre for Liturgy’s online training program is now in its third year. Ms Murrowood said both rural and city parishes and schools in Australia and in and around the Pacific region have benefited from the program, but training ministers from Nigeria is a first in Africa.
Australian Catholic University training Nigerian lay ministers (By Ngala Killian Chimtom, OSV News via UCA News)