Adelaide Archdiocese has announced its 2024 Diocesan Assembly will be held in June, with a focus on synodality and discernment. Source: The Southern Cross.
The event will be held in Adelaide on June 14 and 15 at the Vietnamese Catholic Community in Pooraka.
The assembly will bring together invited representatives from across the Archdiocese. The two days will be dedicated to attendees deepening their understanding and practice of synodality through shared discernment. They will be asked to discern the realities facing the local Church and its people and to develop strategies to achieve its mission.
This year’s gathering will build on the work of the 2021 and 2022 Diocesan Assemblies, the recent Regional Assemblies, as well as the Plenary Council, the global Synod on Synodality and Conversations in the Spirit, a methodology for discernment in the form of a round-table listening and sharing experience.
“This assembly will engage participants in discernment of strategies to address key issues facing the Archdiocese,” the archdiocese’s pastoral life and mission assisted director, Peter Bierer, said.
“What we have learned through the consultations and experiences of assemblies and the Plenary Council and Synod is that we must continually listen to those whom the decisions affect.
“Discernment, action and reflection are a continuous cycle inviting us into greater communion, participation and mission. The assembly helps all of us to listen deeply to the Holy Spirit through and with one another.”
Details: adelaidediocesanassembly.org
Diocesan Assembly to be held in June (The Southern Cross)