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The toolkit was launched during Laudato Si’ Week (The Catholic Leader)

Brisbane parishes can now access a new anti-slavery toolkit to help break exploitation practices and raise awareness about the reality facing tens of thousands of people in Australia. Source: The Catholic Leader.

There are an estimated 41,000 people experiencing modern slavery in Australia and 50 million worldwide.

About 54 per cent are women and children, who are often trapped in forced labour arrangements or forced marriages.

The modern slavery toolkit was released by Brisbane Archidocese’s Legal, Governance and Risk team in conjunction with the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network and meets an action point on the archdiocesan Laudato Si’ Action Plan.

Evangelisation Brisbane inclusion team officer Emma Beach said the launch of the toolkit, during Laudato Si’ Week last week, was a “concrete step in empowering our agencies to act ethically in our world”.

She said procedures and strategies had been developed to help the agencies function and purchase items, while caring for others vulnerable to exploitation and slavery.

“It is now important that all in the Archdiocese use these strategies and continue our dedication to eliminating modern slavery in all its forms,” she said.


Toolkit released to help Brisbane parishes fight scourge of modern slavery (By Joe Higgins, The Catholic Leader)