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Sheikh Hasina (Wikimedia Commons)

Top Christian organisations have expressed surprise and shock after Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina accused Christians of plotting to carve out a “Christian state” of their own by taking parts of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Source: UCA News.

“We, the Christians of Bangladesh, and their leaders — the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh (CBCB) and the United Forum of Churches (UFCB) are surprised and worried,” said a joint statement issued on Sunday.

In today’s globalised and secularised world, the idea of a “Christian state” is absurd, said the statement signed by Archbishop Bejoy D’Cruze of Dhaka, the president of CBCB and UFCB.

The reaction came after Ms Hasina made the remarks on May 23.

“Like East Timor … they will carve out a Christian country taking parts of Bangladesh [Chattogram] and Myanmar with a base in the Bay of Bengal,” national English newspaper The Daily Star quoted Ms Hasina as saying on Friday. 

She said the government is under pressure to allow a foreign government to use a base in the Bay of Bengal, which she rejected without naming the country.

“Many have their eyes on this place. There is no controversy here, no conflict. I won’t let that happen. This is also one of my crimes [in their eyes],” she said, adding that this is why the Awami League Government is always in trouble.

Archbishop D’ Cruze said Christians always support efforts to safeguard Bangladesh’s sovereignty, noting that Christians fought for the country’s independence from Pakistan [in 1971] and made vital contributions to nation-building.

The alleged plot is neither supported nor accepted by Christians, he said.


Christians wary of Bangladeshi PM’s ‘Christian State’ remarks (UCA News)


Sheikh Hasina alleges Christian plot, Dhaka Archbishop says the idea is absurd (Asia News)