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The Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission pose for a photo during their meeting May 11-18, 2024, in Strasbourg, France-(CNS/Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity)

Catholic and Anglican bishops and theologians, including Melbourne Anglican Archbishop Philip Freier, have met in France to discuss how the church traditions make decisions about moral issues. Source: OSV News. 

Recognising that the Christian churches continually are called to grapple with new moral issues and that reaching different conclusions can complicate the search for Christian unity, the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) has been studying how their traditions make decisions and what they can learn from each other.

Members of the Commission met May 11-18 in Strasbourg, France, to continue their examination of “how the Church local, regional and universal discerns right ethical teaching,” according to a statement released this week.

“For the first time in its work, ARCIC III has chosen to include two case studies as part of its reflection — one where Catholics and Anglicans reached broadly the same teaching, and one where they did not,” the statement said.

“These case studies, on Enslavement and Contraception, illustrate the doctrinal and structural similarities and differences between the two communions and also serve to highlight unresolved questions.”

The statement issued after the Strasbourg meeting said members hope in the next few months to complete drafting their agreed statement on making ethical decisions so the commission can finalise the document in 2025 and present it to the authorities and faithful of the two communions.


Anglican-Catholic dialogue examines churches’ ethical teachings (By Cindy Wooden, CNS via Our Sunday Visitor)