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Christian unity the main course at ecumenical lunch

Christian unity was on display in Canberra during an ecumenical lunch for the leaders of the capital’s Christian communities. Source: Catholic Voice.


National ecumenical forum looks to deeper purpose

In its 30th anniversary year, the National Council of Churches in Australia held its 11th National Forum in Adelaide last weekend, writes Stephen Downs. Source: The Southern Cross.


Ecumenism and papal primacy: Vatican releases status report on dialogues

The reason why the 2024 edition of the Vatican yearbook has re-inserted “Patriarch of the West” as one of the Pope’s historical titles appears to be a response to concerns expressed by Orthodox leaders and theologians. Source: OSV News.

Ecumenism Vatican

Vatican to publish new document on papal primacy

The Vatican will publish a study document on papal primacy and ecumenism on Thursday that will contain proposals “for a renewed exercise of the bishop of Rome’s ministry of unity” recognised by all Christians. Source: CNA.


Anglican-Catholic talks examine decision-making on ethical teaching

Catholic and Anglican bishops and theologians, including Melbourne Anglican Archbishop Philip Freier, have met in France to discuss how the church traditions make decisions about moral issues. Source: OSV News. 

Artificial Intelligence Ecumenism

Archbishop of Canterbury endorses Rome Call for AI ethics

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has joined other faith leaders, ethicists, and university professors in signing the “Rome Call” for the ethical development of artificial intelligence. Source: Vatican News.

Ecumenism Ukraine

Zelenskyy meets Ukraine’s Christian leaders

Ukraine’s Latin Rite Catholic Bishops, along with representatives of the nation’s Protestant communities, met with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday at a meeting organised by the Ukrainian Bible Society. Source: Vatican News.


Coptics suspend theological dialogue with Catholics

One of the most influential Oriental Orthodox Churches has suspended theological dialogue with the Catholic Church in the latest blow to a recent Vatican document which sets a way for blessing members of same-sex relationships. Source: Crux.

Ecumenism South Australia

MPs urged to be ‘salt to the world’

Adelaide Archbishop Patrick O’Regan hosted an ecumenical service at St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral yesterday to mark the opening of the South Australian parliamentary year. Source: The Southern Cross.