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Cardinal Mario Grech (OSV News/Lola Gomez)

A group of 20 theologians concluded an evaluation of 107 synod reports from national bishops conferences and Eastern Catholic Churches following nearly two weeks of meetings in Rome. Source: CNA.

The theologians, who met from June 4 to June 14, were asked to provide an analysis of the reports, which will help Synod officials draft the Synod on Synodality’s working document, or Instrumentum Laboris, for the second session of the Synod in October. The analysis from the theologians has not been made public.

The ongoing Synod on Synodality is focused on studying various questions about how the Church should operate. Some of the questions focus on the role of women, inclusion, women deacons, and outreach to those who struggle with same-sex attraction.

Parishes held listening sessions this past Lent that were consolidated into the national reports analysed by the theologians.

According to a media release from the General Secretariat of the Synod, the themes most frequently mentioned in the reports are the formation of synodality, the functioning of participatory bodies, the role of women, outreach to young people, attention to the poor, inculturation, transparency, and a culture of accountability. 

Additional themes are catechesis, Christian initiation, and collaboration among churches.

“The reports often recount the experience of people who have made a real personal conversion,” Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Synod Cardinal Mario Grech said in the statement following the conclusion of the theologians’ analysis. 

“Others, however, are of people who continue to experience confusion, worry, or anxiety,” the cardinal continued. “In particular, there is a fear that what is sent is not taken seriously or that ideologies and lobbies of the faithful may exploit the synodal path to impose their own agenda.”

Cardinal Grech said the October session will not be “about this or that issue” but focused on “synodality” and “about how to be a missionary Church on the way.” 


Theologians conclude evaluation of synod reports after Rome meeting (By Tyler Arnold, CNA)