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An Aboriginal Cross at the opening Mass of the First Plenary Council at St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth in 2021 (Perth Archdiocese/Ron Tan)

The Canberra-Goulburn Catholic Women’s Taskforce and Aboriginal Catholic Mission will host a workshop on Aboriginal culture to enhance cultural understanding and promote a welcoming environment. Source: Catholic Voice

This workshop aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive appreciation of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, with a particular focus on the local Ngunnawal community. The initiative underscores the Church’s commitment to promoting cross-cultural engagement.

“Cultural competency is vital to the mission of the Church. It allows us to interact effectively with people of different cultural backgrounds,” said Andrea Dean, Chair of the Catholic Women’s Taskforce.

“This workshop is an opportunity for our community to learn, grow, and celebrate the rich heritage of our Aboriginal brothers and sisters.”

The workshop, to be held in Canberra on June 22, is also a direct response to recommendations from the recent Plenary Council, which urged greater integration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders into the life of the Church.

This directive was based on guidance from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC).

“The Plenary Council has been clear: We must fully embrace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. This workshop is a step towards that goal,” Ms Dean said.

“It’s about creating a welcoming environment that respects and acknowledges cultural differences.

“By challenging cultural biases and stereotypes, the workshop seeks to advance equality and justice, aligning with the Church’s mission to uphold the dignity of every human being.”



Workshop aims to bring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities closer to the heart of the Church (Catholic Voice)