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Vinnies CEO Sleepout at the White Bay Cruise Terminal in Rozelle (The Catholic Weekly/Alphonsus Fok)

Rising rents and mortgage payments combined with a lack of available housing is creating “a perfect storm” for people who are already struggling to keep a roof over their heads, says St Vincent de Paul Society New South Wales chief Yolanda Saiz. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Speaking at the Vinnies CEO Sleepout in Sydney last week, Ms Saiz also said the homeless have fewer pathways out of their situation as services are at capacity and becoming increasingly expensive to run. 

“The rising cost of living is really exacerbating the situation,” she said. 

“It is also harder for us as our own costs rise and people who might regularly donate are now having to make choices between putting food on the table, paying an energy bill or getting their kids everything they need for school. 

“But we will never turn people away, we will always refer them to another service or find another way to help them.” 

Vinnies’ major fundraiser, held on June 20, raised more than $7.8 million nationally to support its work in assisting people experiencing and at risk of homelessness. 

The funds will go to a range of services including crisis accommodation, domestic and family violence refuges, specialist healthcare, case management, rent support, and Vinnies Vans. 

Deputy New South Wales Premier Prue Car and housing minister Rose Jackson were among the leaders who slept on cardboard sheets in their sleeping bags at the Rozelle terminal, after announcing the provision of $150,000 for a purpose-built catering truck to add to the Vinnies Van fleet supporting rough sleepers and others needing food assistance across metropolitan Sydney. 

While the record $5.1 billion allocated to social housing in this month’s state budget “goes a massive way, we’re only going to get it to a fairer and more equitable society by working together,” she added. 


Vinnies CEO Sleepout raises more than $7.8 million to fight a “perfect storm” of homelessness (By Marilyn Rodrigues, The Catholic Weekly)