Myriam Wijlens, a Dutch theologian, ecumenist and consultor to several Vatican bodies, will visit Australia in August to deliver public lectures on the topic “The prophetic voice of the laity in the renewal of the Catholic Church”. Source: Catholic Outlook.
Dr Wijlens is a consultor to the Synod on Synodality and is a member of its coordinating commission. She has a unique perspective and insight on how synodality is practised around the global Catholic Church.
She is also a canon lawyer and expert in the Church’s response to clerical sexual abuse.
Since 2004, Dr Wijlens has served as co-moderator of the international research group Peter and Paul Seminar, which focuses on necessary reforms of canon law in light of the Second Vatican Council.
In 2018, Pope Francis made her a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and she has published several books and articles on the topic.
In February, Dr Wijlens was elected vice moderator of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, becoming the first Catholic woman to hold this position.
The Parramatta Diocese is hosting Dr Wijlens, who will deliver her lectures as part of the “Bishop Vincent Presents” lecture series.
She will speak at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall on Monday, August 5, and at Melbourne’s Newman College on Wednesday, August 14.
These events are free but registrations are essential by visiting parracatholic.org/drmyriam.
Leading female consultor to the Vatican coming to Australia for free public lecture (Catholic Outlook)