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Kirsty Robertson (Caritas Australia)

After nearly five years in the role, Kirsty Robertson has announced her resignation as Caritas Australia’s chief executive officer, effective from August 9.

To ensure a smooth transition, Kirsten Sayers will take on the role of interim CEO from August 12, taking leave from her position on the Caritas Australia board. 

Ms Sayers will hold the interim role for up to six months while the board recruits for a permanent appointment to the role.

During her time as CEO, Ms Robertson stewarded the organisation through a pandemic and transitioned to new governance with the incorporation of Caritas Australia.

She also led the organisation through a significant period of growth, where responses to emerging and escalating challenges were required.

This includes the increased need for climate responses, supporting those affected by significant global conflicts, addressing pandemic effects on developing countries, and supporting people suffering due to the Ukraine war, for which more than $5 million was raised. 

Caritas Australia chair Robert Fitzgerald said Ms Robertson “personifies what Caritas represents in her unwavering commitment to advancing the rights and well-being of those most marginalised.”

“We collectively thank Kirsty for her tireless commitment, inspiring leadership, and powerful advocacy for the Church’s social teachings.”

Ms Robertson said she “cherished the opportunity to lead this incredible agency and witness our collective achievements over the past five years”.

“Together, we have faced challenges head-on, celebrated victories, and continually pushed the boundaries of what we can achieve in service to the world’s poor.

“I depart feeling it has been an honour and privilege to work alongside such talented individuals who are dedicated to Caritas’ mission, and confident the agency will thrive under their continued guidance.” 

Updates on the appointment of a permanent CEO of Caritas Australia will be made in due course. 


 Kirsty Robertson steps down as Caritas Australia CEO (Caritas Australia)