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The Jesuit Mission Sydney team walked 10km, including across Sydney Harbour Bridge, for the One Foot Raised campaign for Myanmar (Jesuit Mission Australia)

Participants in Jesuit Mission Australia’s “One Foot Raised” campaign helped to bring attention to the suffering of people in Myanmar and raised more than $53,000.

Held last week to coincide with the feast day of St Ignatius of Loyola on July 31, participants followed the example of St Ignatius the Pilgrim, who lived with “One Foot Raised” – ready to take action for justice and help those most in need. 

A number of Australian Jesuit schools, parishes and ministries participated, including St Ignatius’ College Riverview (NSW), Our Lady of the Way Parish North Sydney, The Cardoner Network (NSW), Saint Ignatius College Geelong (VIC), Sevenhill and Riverton Parishes (SA), and Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality Australia. 

Xavier College Kew (VIC) will undertake One Foot Raised later in the year. 

“This was such a moving expression of solidarity with those communities experiencing suffering and conflict,” said Helen Forde, chief executive of Jesuit Mission Australia. 

“Now with two feet rested and hearts full of gratitude, we celebrate our Australian Catholic community’s response to Myanmar’s cry for help.” 

In Myanmar, over 18 million people, including 6 million children, are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance.

Internally displaced people are living in temporary shelters built with tarpaulin sheets and bamboo, unsafe from the rain and wind, and the increasingly indiscriminate artillery and air strikes from the military. 

Jesuit Mission’s partners continue to prioritise urgent emergency relief such as medicines, shelter, food and clothing to those who are displaced and trapped. 

The Jesuits are also providing thousands of children and youth with quality education and formation to make positive change for their country in the years to come. 

Jesuit Mission is still collecting donations for One Foot Raised, aiming to raise $75,000 this year. Details:


 Hope in every step as One Foot Raised raises over $53,000 for Myanmar (Jesuit Mission)