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Patrick Woods (ACU)

Patrick Woods has been appointed as Australian Catholic University’s new chief operating officer. 

Mr Woods will join ACU in December from TAFE NSW, where he is Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining TAFE NSW in 2022, Mr Woods was Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President at University of Technology Sydney for 16 years.

Born in Canada, Mr Woods was raised Catholic by his father, who was educated by the Jesuits in Montreal. After starting his career as a naval officer in Canada, Mr Woods went on to gain extensive international business experience leading complex organisations.

At UTS he led the development of what was then the first 10-year long-term finance plan for an Australian university. This supported UTS’s subsequent growth and further academic success as well as the largest and most comprehensive campus rebuild in the country.

In announcing his appointment, ACU vice-chancellor and president Zlatko Skrbis said he was delighted to be welcoming Mr Woods to ACU.

“His experience and knowledge will be of enormous benefit to the university as we implement our new 10-year strategic vision. He brings extraordinary leadership experience in driving large scale programs and transformation initiatives, along with a strong financial and commercial focus,” Professor Skrbis said.

Mr Woods said he was excited by ACU’s mission and vision, particularly the focus on enabling flourishing lives, fostering thriving communities and forging an ethical future that Vision 2033 brings.

“The ethos and mission of ACU is something that I can truly relate to and support,” he said.

Mr Woods and his family are based in Sydney. He will take up his position on December 2 and will be based at the university’s North Sydney Campus.


ACU appoints new Chief Operating Officer (ACU)