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The AI-generated app generates strategies and solutions tailored to a person’s specific needs (Majellan Media)

Majellan Media has developed a new AI-generated app that offers practical assistance to families who are facing various challenges in their lives.

The free Majellan Help with Families app provides personalised suggestions and strategies, rooted in empathy and understanding, to help families overcome their issues.

The app allows the user to enter a specific issue and in seconds they’ll receive customised advice. Whether you’re navigating parenting challenges, relationship concerns, financial stress, or mental health issues, the app generates practical strategies and solutions tailored to a person’s specific needs.

Majellan Media chief executive Tony Biviano says what sets this app apart is its ability to connect users with the right resources.

“No two families are the same, and that’s why the AI-powered app takes a personalised approach, offering unique insights based on the information provided,” Mr Biviano said.

“Whether you’re seeking a quick tip or more in-depth advice, the Majellan app is your go-to resource.

“However, we recommend that professional help is sought when necessary. So, as well as helpful tips, the app provides contact details for professional agencies that are relevant to a person’s unique situation. This will ensure they receive the right support from qualified experts.”

The app does not record personal information, so users will be anonymous.

“Majellan Media has always been about families and what is best for families. It is vital to nurture relationships within families with care and faith, so by combining the wisdom of scripture with modern technological aids, we can find new ways to strengthen our bonds and build a harmonious family life,” Mr Biviano said.

Details: Majellan Help with Family Issues app


 New Majellan AI-generated app to assist families (Majellan Media)