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The cover of the downloadable Urgent Hope Conversation Package (Sisters of Saint Joseph)

The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart in collaboration with the Sisters of St Joseph Lochinvar have released a new community resource for the Season of Creation, September 1 to October 4. 

The Urgent Hope Conversation Package resource is the first in a five-part series of conversation packages drawn from Laudate Deum, Pope Francis’ document on the climate crisis. It includes a downloadable resource, providing prompts for discussion and reflection with a focus on the urgency of the climate crisis and the Christian virtue of hope. 

A Zoom webinar to complement the package will be offered on October 8, the day after the anniversary of the death of Sisters of Saint Joseph co-founder Fr Julian Tenison Woods. 

The webinar will be hosted by the Josephite Laudato Si’ Action Plan team. 

Download the Urgent Hope Conversation Package resource and register for the webinar on Trybooking.


Launch of Laudato Si’ URGENT HOPE series of Conversation Packages (Sisters of Saint Joseph)