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Christian leaders meet at the Global Christian Forum in Accra, Ghana, in April 2024 (Vatican Media)

As Rome prepares for the Synod of Bishops on Synodality next month, Catholics and other Christian leaders in Africa are exploring the possible implications of the process for closer ties among the various Christian communities on the continent. Source: Crux.

During a recent exchange known as the “African Palaver Conversation Series,” which concluded on September 6, African Catholics and leaders from other Christian denominations highlighted the importance of cross-denominational cooperation.

“Christians, regardless of denomination, have a common mandate,” said Mary Getui, a member of the Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network, which sponsored the event, and a Seventh-day Adventist scholar.

By “common mandate,” Professor Getui was referencing Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations.

“Synodality is about more than structures; it’s about relationships,” she said, and noted that ecumenism is seen in action “when people come together across denominations.”

It’s a point made even more forcefully by Sr Lucia Ndinda Nzomo of Kenya, who said the synodal process in the Church necessarily implies an ecumenical dimension.

“The Vatican’s guidelines for the synodal process emphasise the need for open dialogue and collaboration not just within the Church but also with other Christian communities,” she said.

She said this aim fits into Pope Francis’s 2021 statement on the synodal process.

“The synodal process is not only a way of walking together within the church, but also of reaching out to others in a spirit of mutual respect and dialogue,” the pontiff told the Synod of Bishops in October 2021.

“This highlights the idea that the synodal process is not insular, but rather involves engaging with a broader Christian context to enrich the Church’s understanding and mission,” Sr Lucia said.

She noted that cross-denominational cooperation is seen as critical to both the synodal process and ecumenism.

“For ecumenism, it is essential for promoting Christian unity and addressing shared concerns. Both processes reflect the Church’s broader commitment to dialogue and collaboration in its mission,” she said.


African Catholics say synodality is also a call to Christian unity (Crux)