Catholic youth ministry in Tasmania has taken great strides over the past 12 months, with more young people discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, parish youth groups steadily growing, and the revival of university chaplaincy. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.
Sam Clear, director of the Office of Youth Evangelisation, said that despite many challenges, he was hopeful for the future of youth ministry in the state.
He said the most notable area of growth among young Catholics in the state over the past 12 months had been the rise of vocations to priesthood and religious life.
“We have seen two young women join religious orders in the last twelve months, one young man apply to begin at the seminary next year, two other young men discerning very genuinely their own call, and four young women in correspondence with religious orders, discerning their vocation,” Mr Clear said.
“The simple fact that our youth and young adults are looking at the Church with love and a desire to serve is wonderful.
“We also have seen two young women in the past two years become the first Tasmanian-born National Evangelisation Team members, and we now have local men and women both with and studying Diploma’s in Youth Ministry to assist youth groups. The future is bright.”
One contributing factor in the rise of interest in vocations was the highly successful Life to the Full Conference held earlier this year in Ulverstone, led by four young and vibrant Sisters of Life from the US, and attracting 37 teenagers from around the state.
“The conference provided such a good platform for friendships to flourish that are centred on faith and love,” Mr Clear said.
Hoping to further this trend, the Office of Youth Evangelisation will host a series of retreat days beginning in December, allowing young people to meet and live for a day with particular religious orders.
A year of abundant fruit in youth ministry (By Catherine Sheehan, Hobart Archdiocese)