On the World Day of the Poor yesterday, Pope Francis called on Christians to practice a faith that inspires action, urging the Church, governments and organisations to assist the poor and marginalised. Source: CNS.
“Christian hope, fulfilled in Jesus and realised in his kingdom, needs us and our commitment, needs our faith expressed in works of charity, needs Christians who do not look the other way,” the Pope said during a Mass for the World Day of the Poor in St Peter’s Basilica.
“We are the ones that must make his grace shine forth through lives steeped in compassion and charity that become signs of the Lord’s presence, always close to the suffering of the poor in order to heal their wounds and transform their fate,” he said.
Making an appeal to the entire Catholic Church, all world governments and international organisations, the Pope said, “Please, let us not forget the poor.”
“While one part of the world is condemned to live in the slums of history, while inequalities grow and the economy punishes the weakest, while society devotes itself to the idolatry of money and consumption, it so happens that the poor and marginalised have no choice but to continue to wait,” he said.
The Pope joined some 1300 people invited to the Vatican audience hall to share lunch.
The Italian Red Cross sponsored the meal, and its marching band provided entertainment. The Vincentian Fathers provided each of the Pope’s guests with a backpack containing food and hygiene items to take home.
As part of marking the World Day of the Poor, the Vatican last week extended the hours of its free medical clinic in St Peter’s Square, offering physical exams, vaccinations and blood tests to anyone in need with the help of volunteer doctors, nurses and lab technicians.
The poor cannot keep waiting for justice, solidarity, Pope says (CNS)