As the United Nations marked Human Rights Day yesterday, Pope Francis reminded world leaders that our “human rights to life and peace are essential conditions for the exercise of all other rights”. Source: Vatican News.
The international Day is observed annually on December 10, the anniversary of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and was established by the UN to raise awareness of the basic rights and liberties of all human beings irrespective of gender, nationality, ethnicity, race or religion.
The observance recognises the work that has been done and what needs to be done to protect the rights that every person is entitled to according to that milestone document and is a call to action to ensure that those rights are respected worldwide.
In a tweet marking the International Day on the social media platform X, Pope Francis again pleaded for governments “to listen to the cry for peace of the millions of people deprived of their most basic rights due to war” which, he said, “is the mother of all poverty”.
His words echoed those of the European churches, that urged leaders in Europe to fulfil their obligations to uphold and protect the human dignity of every human being under international law.
The leaders of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) expressed gratitude for the progress made in protecting human rights over recent decades, “yet also deep concern over increasing instances of violations and neglect of fundamental human rights in the world today”.
“Brutal offenses, systemic injustices, and the erosion of the rule of law and democracy not only threaten individuals but also undermine the foundation of societies built on justice, solidarity, and peace,” said the CEC President, Greek Orthodox Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain.
“European Churches, as part of their mission to serve and protect the vulnerable, cannot remain silent in the face of such challenges, Archbishop Nikitas said.”
Pope on Human Rights Day: ‘War deprives people of their basic rights’ (By Lisa Zengarini, Vatican News)