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The cover of the December issue of Catholic Life (Lismore Diocese)

Lismore Diocese has published a new edition of Catholic Life magazine for the first time in five years. 

The magazine will be available in print and online, ensuring it reaches readers across the New South Wales diocese’s geographic footprint from Tweed Heads to Laurieton, and around the world.

The December edition celebrates the diocese’s Catholic community, offering news, stories and reflections, including a Christmas message from Lismore Bishop Greg Homeming OCD and a story on the inspiring work of prison chaplains bringing hope as the “hands and feet of Jesus”. 

Catholic Life has been given a fresh new look, featuring a modern design that enhances readability and high-quality imagery that illustrates the vibrancy and natural beauty of the diocese.

Bishop Homeming warmly welcomed the magazine’s return.

“Catholic Life has historically been an important part of our communication within the diocese, sharing the good news of our communities,” Bishop Homeming said.

“Its return is an opportunity to reconnect, reflect, and celebrate the many ways God’s love is present in our lives.

“I encourage everyone to enjoy the stories of faith, service, and hope in this edition. Catholic Life is here to remind us of the strength of our communities and our mission as a diocese.”

Printed copies are available at parishes across the diocese and the digital edition is available to read now:


Diocese of Lismore magazine returns after 5 years (Lismore Diocese)