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Jacinta Allan announces Victoria’s proposed social cohesion laws yesterday (ABC News)

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has welcomed the Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan’s proposed measures to confront anti-Semitism, dangerous demonstrations and strengthen social cohesion across the state. Source: Melbourne Catholic. 

Archbishop Comensoli said he looked forward “to working constructively with the Government on implementation”.

All Victorians, he said, “should feel safe to attend places of worship, whatever their religion”.

“There is no place for hateful speech and violence in our society – including the kind that led to the appalling attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue or the kind that sees someone abused in the street for their religious dress,” Archbishop Comensoli said.

Ms Allan announced the new measures yesterday in response to rising anti-Semitic incidents, including the recent terrorist attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue in Ripponlea.

Ms Allan emphasised the urgent need to restore safety and harmony in the state.

“‘This isn’t about the Middle East,” she said. “This is about Victoria. This is about our values and the right of anyone in this state to live, work and pray freely without fear of intimidation, fear and violence.”

The measures include restricting the display of flags and symbols of listed terrorist organisations such as Hamas, Hezbollah and neo-Nazi groups.  

The Government will also target the use of masks and dangerous attachment devices – like glue, ropes, and chains – at public protests. 

The safety of religious worshippers was a key focus of the Government’s announcement, as recent incidents, including menacing protests outside synagogues and other places of worship, have highlighted the need for stronger protections. 

Proposed reforms could include the establishment of “safe access areas” around places of worship, ensuring that congregations can gather without fear of intimidation or harassment. 

The Government says it will consult with religious leaders, police and legal experts to determine the appropriate size and scope of these zones.

Responding to the announcement, Archbishop Comensoli also acknowledged the important place of peaceful protest and “the right of all Victorians to speak out in peaceful solidarity on issues and questions that confront our society, including those that confront the Church”.


Archbishop welcomes new Victorian measures to tackle antisemitism, promote social cohesion (Melbourne Catholic)