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Politics Victoria

Victorian Parliament to retain Lord’s Prayer

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has welcomed news that the Victorian Government has abandoned the idea of scrapping the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer in the state’s Parliament.

Education Victoria

Commissioning Mass brings together Catholic education in celebration

The Victorian Catholic Education Authority board and executive were commissioned on Wednesday at a Mass celebrated by Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli.

Housing Victoria

Demolition plans proceed despite residents’ class action

The Victorian Government is forging ahead with plans to demolish three public housing towers subject to a class action seeking to stop the redevelopment. Source: The Guardian. 

Prayer Victoria

Petition to retain Lord’s Prayer forces parliamentary debate

More than 10,000 people have signed a petition calling for the Victorian Parliament to retain the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer at the commencement of proceedings in the state’s Legislative Council. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Social Justice Victoria

Victoria won’t meet deadline for child law changes

Victoria is set to go past its own deadline to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12 by the end of the year, after introducing its mammoth 1000-page youth justice bill to Parliament yesterday. Source: The Age.

Prayer Victoria

Parliament prayer is a rich and vital tradition: leaders

In response to a push by some parliamentarians to end prayer in the Victorian Parliament, Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has joined faith leaders in writing to state parliamentarians expressing “the fundamental and ongoing importance of prayer in Parliament”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

First Nations Victoria

Catholic Church’s history with Aboriginal people ‘predominantly positive’

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli yesterday told a Victorian truth-telling inquiry that the Catholic Church’s history with Aboriginal people was predominantly positive. Source: Yahoo News.

Health Victoria

Church takes Victorian Government to court over land acquisition

Church lawyers have taken the Allen Government to Victoria’s highest planning tribunal over the state’s newest public hospital, claiming it was severely shortchanged when it gave up the land. Source: ABC News.

Disability Victoria

Young regional Victorians launch into independence

An innovative home in regional Victoria is giving young locals with disability a springboard to launch their independence. Source: VMCH.