The Victorian Government’s announcement of reforms to euthanasia and assisted suicide laws is deeply distressing, with the protection and care of vulnerable and dying people further marginalised, writes Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli. Source: Melbourne Catholic.
The Government went into this review insisting it was “not considering changes to the legislation itself”.
Until last Thursday, those words were on the Department of Health’s website.
Instead, the Government is proposing numerous changes to the law, including to force medical practitioners who conscientiously object to voluntary assisted dying (VAD) to provide information about it to patients.
Many hard-working doctors and nurses tell me that they did not go into these important caring professions to help their patients end their own life.
Rather, they want to care for patients with love and compassion and support them right to the end. Providing patients with lethal chemicals to end their life is not health care.
The proposed changes will send a chill down the spines of the many hard-working healthcare professionals who want no part in causing death, as well as many vulnerable patients who fear being pushed down a path that they do not wish to take.
I call on the Government to instead provide proper support for palliative care throughout the state to ensure that all Victorians who require it can access appropriate care close to home and family so that they can die with real dignity.
Every human life is created and loved by God, and worthy of protection from the moment of conception until natural death.
Statement from Archbishop Peter A Comensoli on proposed VAD law reforms (Melbourne Catholic)