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Perth Archdiocesan Assembly delegates take part in a listening and discernment process on July 13 (The eRecord/Samuel Chan)

More than 100 delegates gathered for the first Perth Archdiocesan Assembly in more than 30 years. Source: The eRecord.

The 2024 Assembly on July 13 focused on forming practical strategies for pastoral works and initiatives with the diocese – namely on establishing a Diocesan Pastoral Council that reflects synodality.

A Diocesan Pastoral Council, as outlined in Canon Law, is a consultative body offering support and advice to the bishop.

The Perth Archdiocese aims to create a council that embodies synodality, with a collaborative approach between clergy, religious and lay Catholics.

Led by Vicar General Fr Vincent Glynn, the delegates of the Archdiocesan Assembly were asked to reflect, listen and discern specific questions over three sessions, each lasting nearly an hour.

Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton told delegates about his experience with the first Assembly in 1990.

“In some ways, that assembly was like a synod as it produced three outcomes that were to be implemented across the archdiocese,” Bishop Sproxton said.

“These were the development of an integrated communications network; parish renewal and the future of parishes; and ongoing participation of the people of the archdiocese in decision making,” he said.


Diocesan Assembly: Delegates gather for first Assembly of the 21st century (By Jamie O’Brien, The eRecord)