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An artist’s impression of the project in Perth (St Pat’s Community Centre)

Construction of a new support centre and housing for people experiencing homelessness in Perth is set to commence thanks to the generosity of key Western Australian philanthropists. Source: The eRecord.

St Patrick’s Community Support Centre (St Pat’s) can move forward with a $22 million investment in addressing homelessness after receiving a major gift from Minderoo Foundation.

This game-changing gift joins significant contributions from the WA Government and Lotterywest, and other major philanthropic gifts including from the Congregation of the Sisters of St John of God, The McCusker Charitable Foundation, Richard Lockwood, Sea Corporation Pty Ltd and the Osboine Family.

Collectively, funds raised so far allow St Pat’s to commence the build-phase of its Queen Victoria and Beach Street sites’ redevelopment and go some way toward funding the fit-out of the buildings, including one of the two dental clinics within the new day centre.

The project includes a $7.5 million contribution from the Cook Government to fund 28 new social homes on the site, providing long-term housing for people exiting homelessness and will turn an old warehouse on Beach Street into a purpose-built community centre and health facility, as well as renovating St Pat’s existing heritage premises.

St Pat’s, which has been providing specialist homelessness support for people experiencing homelessness for more than 50 years, had set an ambitious target to raise $22 million before National Homelessness Week last month to fund the project’s construction.

“Thanks to the generosity of our major partners we’ve been able to reach our target ahead of schedule,” St Pat’s chief executive Michael Piu said.

“With the internal fit-out still to raise, we are, however, on the home stretch to deliver on this extraordinary and game-changing opportunity to contribute to ending chronic homelessness in our community.”

Mr Piu said the new facilities for St Pat’s couldn’t come at a better time, with demand for its services growing exponentially, year-on-year.

In the past 12 months, the not-for-profit has seen a 30 per cent increase in demand for its support services, with its accommodation at capacity and an 18-month wait list for people accessing its pro-bono dental clinic.


WA philanthropists take action to build a new home for people experiencing homelessness (The eRecord)