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BIshop Charles Gauci (ACBC/Giovanni Portelli)

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci says the Northern Territory Government “must strive to find the best possible solutions” to youth crime without resorting to incarceration, as the Country Liberal Party seeks to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 10.

The NT Government, led by Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro, promised to bring an “enormous” law and order agenda to the new term of Parliament this week, including an election promise to lower the age of criminal responsibility back to 10 years old, ABC News reports. 

It’s a reversal of the previous Labor Government’s move to raise the age to 12 about two years ago. 

In a statement to Darwin Catholics, Bishop Gauci said “many experts caution us that incarcerating children and burdening them with criminal records does little to prevent crime in the long term”.

He said it can “have the opposite effect, hindering their future potential and deepening cycles of disadvantage”.

“Yet, as we know based on the psychological development of children, they need clear boundaries and appropriate consequences for their actions,” Bishop Gauci said.

“I fully support finding the most effective and compassionate ways to provide those boundaries, ensuring that we guide our young people without resorting to incarceration.”

Bishop Gauci said it was “undeniable that some young people have been involved in serious incidents that have affected many lives in the Territory”, such as vandalism, robbery and physical violence. 

“These issues are real, and they need to be addressed thoughtfully and urgently,” Bishop Gauci said.

“I have raised these concerns directly with the Chief Minister, and I don’t underestimate the complexities involved. But we must strive to find the best possible solutions – ones that address the behaviour appropriately without leaving children with a lifelong criminal record or resorting to imprisonment.

“This seems to be the path of wisdom and the greater good, one that upholds both justice and compassion in our society.”


Statement by Bishop Charles Gauci on Proposed Changes to the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Darwin Diocese) 

The ‘enormous’ law and order agenda the Northern Territory’s CLP government is bringing to Parliament (ABC News)