The Cardijn Lecture for 2024, to be delivered by Patricia Jones, will explore the theme: “Patrick Keegan, first lay auditor to address Vatican II”. Source: Australian Cardijn Institute.
Dr Jones’ address will look back over the 60 years since Keegan delivered his address to the council on October 13, 1964.
“She will examine what has been lost and what has been gained with respect to the lay apostolate,” the Australian Cardijn Institute said in a media release.
Dr Jones, the daughter of pioneer English Young Christian Worker leaders, knew Keegan.
“As a student, she also belonged to the Young Christian Students (YCS) movement and in 1987, she took part in the Synod on the Vocation and Mission of Lay People as a lay auditor and was a consultor with the Pontifical Council for the Laity,” the Institute’s release said.
This year, Dr Jones was the lead author of a groundbreaking report entitled “The Cross of the Moment,” that explored the ecclesial and cultural implications of the child abuse crisis in the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
The report examined the culture and theology of Catholic teaching that had implications for the abuse, and considered new perspectives and practical paths to take forward in synodal and restorative approaches at various levels of the Church.
Previously, she worked as a research associate at the University of Durham, where she completed a doctorate on the relationship between Catholic charities’ identities and practices and Catholic social teaching (CST) and did initial post-doctoral work on how CST could listen to, and learn from, the experience of women affected by prostitution.
Dr Jones began her career as a parish youth worker in the Archdiocese of Liverpool, and worked for 10 years in the Pastoral Formation Team, latterly as Director of Adult Christian Education.
She became the first female assistant general secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, and afterwards as deputy director of the English Catholic development agency, CAFOD.
The Cardijn Lecture will be held via webinar on Thursday, November 14, at 7pm AEDT. To register, click here.
Australian Cardijn Institute – Cardijn Lecture 2024 – Dr Patricia Jones (Australian Cardijn Institute)