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Bishop George Kolodziej SDS waves to the congregation at his ordination and installation ceremony in Bunbury yesterday (Michelle Tan)

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has welcomed the ordination and installation of Bishop George Kolodziej SDS as the fifth Bishop of Bunbury. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Bishop Kolodziej was ordained and installed at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Bunbury, yesterday on the Solemnity of St Joseph.

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, noted in his homily that Bishop Kolodziej’s middle name is Joseph.

“St Joseph was certainly close to God, open and attentive to all that God asked of him, no matter how confusing or daunting God’s plan for him seemed to be,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

“When he awoke from his troubling dreams, the scriptures tell us, he did what the angel told him, acting decisively and courageously.

“Bishop George has done the very same: when he ‘awoke’ – that is when he recovered from the shock of (Apostolic Nuncio) Archbishop Balvo’s phone call – he did what the Lord was asking, through the request of Pope Francis. He said yes to the Pope’s invitation to become your bishop.”

Bishop Kolodziej, 56, was born in Dobra, Poland, and has been the Superior of the Salvatorians in Australia since October 2018.

“We pray that the ‘Fatherliness’ of St Joseph, expressed through tenderness and compassion, but also through courage and fidelity, will be a source of inspiration and hope as he begins this new ministry as father and brother to the Church in this diocese of Bunbury,” Archbishop Costelloe concluded in his homily.

“May God, who has begun the good work in him, bring it to fulfilment.”

The Diocese of Bunbury, which covers the south-western parts of Western Australia, spans an area one and half times that of England.


Conference welcomes new Bishop of Bunbury (ACBC Media Blog)