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Students to learn how to engage with and support older people
Catholic Health Australia, the Mercy Health Foundation and Meaningful Ageing are inviting secondary schools to participate in a free program for students that aims to foster values such as empathy, compassion and respect for older people.
How old age can be a time of ‘inner growth’
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, has written a new book reflecting on old age and highlighting how this time of life can serve as a time for inner growth. Source: CNA.
New push to end exploitation of older Australians
Grandparents being exploited, neglected or financially coerced are the target of a new education campaign to eliminate elder abuse in Australia. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.
Vatican offers special indulgence for participants
Any Catholic who participates in the celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on July 28 can receive a plenary indulgence, the Vatican has announced. Source: OSV News.
Do not cast off the elderly, Pope Francis urges
Pope Francis has urged families around the world to remain close to grandparents and senior family members, imploring people to spend time with older relatives who may be facing “solitude and abandonment”. Source: CNA.
In a world of go, go, go, volunteers learn to go slow
In a society always in a hurry, a team from Sydney Catholic Youth has spent time bridging the generational divide to learn more about the beauty of taking things slow. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
World Day for Grandparents and Elderly to highlight loneliness
“Do not cast me off in my old age” is the theme Pope Francis has chosen for the fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, the Vatican has announced. Source: CNA.
Thanks for the memories: project brings together young and old
An intergenerational project has seen Catholic secondary school students in regional New South Wales compile memoirs for aged care residents. Source: ABC News.
‘Inheritance impatience’ driving rise in elder abuse
Longer life expectancies and a resulting inheritance impatience are leading to more cases of elder abuse, according to the New South Wales Ageing and Disability Commission. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.