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Articles By This Author

Homelessness Northern Territory

Vinnies looks for new home to help homeless

In the Northern Territory where homelessness rates are 12 times the national average, the St Vincent de Paul’s Ozanam House Stuart Park service is about to become homeless too. Source: NITV.

First Nations

Bringing Indigenous communities closer to the Church

The Canberra-Goulburn Catholic Women’s Taskforce and Aboriginal Catholic Mission will host a workshop on Aboriginal culture to enhance cultural understanding and promote a welcoming environment. Source: Catholic Voice.

Family Violence United Nations

UN panel hosted by Holy See calls for global ban on surrogacy

The Holy See has hosted a panel at the United Nations at which advocates highlighted the “exploitation and commodification” inherent in the surrogacy industry and stressed the need to regulate and eventually abolish surrogacy around the world. Source: CNA.

Science Vatican

Researchers claim Vatican archives hold UFO secrets

A group of scientists and researchers are seeking access to the Vatican Apostolic Archives to uncover information about UFOs and the paranormal. Source: CNS.

Housing New South Wales

Praise for social housing investment in NSW Budget

The St Vincent de Paul Society New South Wales says last night’s state Budget takes a positive step towards addressing the housing crisis that will make a substantive difference to the lives of thousands of people living at the margins.


Audit finds Townsville Diocese acting on safeguarding

Townsville Diocese has embraced child safeguarding standards, according to an audit report published today by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd.

Appointment Education

Cairns appoints new education leader for 2025

Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns will have a new leader in 2025, with Diarmuid O’Riordan selected to take over from Bill Dixon who will retire in December.

Social Justice Victoria

Victoria won’t meet deadline for child law changes

Victoria is set to go past its own deadline to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12 by the end of the year, after introducing its mammoth 1000-page youth justice bill to Parliament yesterday. Source: The Age.

Foreign Aid Refugees

Caritas highlights needs in world’s largest refugee camp

This World Refugee Week (June 17-20), Caritas Australia is shining a light on the plight of the one million people in the world’s largest refugee camp, Kutupalong in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.