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Catechesis Pope Francis

Faith in God is ‘a force that sets love in motion’ in the world: Pope

Pope Francis yesterday continued his catechesis on “Jesus Christ, Our Hope” saying love is the force that compels people, including the Blessed Virgin Mary, to share their faith in God with others. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Jesus the path and destination for Jubilee pilgrims: Pope

Pope Francis called on Catholics yesterday to focus their Holy Year 2025 pilgrimages on Jesus Christ, who is both the path and destination for Christian hope. Source: CNS.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Holy Spirit the source of Christian hope: Pope

The “most beautiful gift” the Catholic Church and its members can give the world is a reason to live with hope, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Unity cannot be achieved on the drawing board: Pope

Catholics should be aware of the “prohibitions of the Holy Spirit” to ensure the unity and universality of the Church is not compromised, Pope Francis said at his general audience yesterday. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Spread the fragrance of holiness in the Church and the world: Pope

A person who lives with the joy of their anointing in the sacrament of Confirmation cannot help but spread the fragrance of holiness in the Church and the world, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNA.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Humility is gateway to all virtues: Pope Francis

Though not found on the classical list of cardinal or theological virtues, humility lies “at the base of Christian life”, Pope Francis said. Source: CNS.

Catechesis Pope Francis

True charity comes from God: Pope Francis

Pope Francis turned his thoughts to the theological virtue of charity yesterday as he continued his series of catechesis on the vices and the virtues. Source: Vatican News.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Greatest enemy of faith is fear: Pope

The greatest enemy of faith is fear, Pope Francis said yesterday at his weekly general audience. Source: OSV News.

Catechesis Pope Francis

Temperance the secret to enjoying every good thing: Pope

Exercising the virtue of temperance is not a recipe for a boring life, Pope Francis said yesterday, but the secret to enjoying every good thing. Source: CNS.