Pope Francis yesterday continued his catechesis on “Jesus Christ, Our Hope” saying love is the force that compels people, including the Blessed Virgin Mary, to share their faith in God with others. Source: CNA.
Unable to read his prepared catechesis due to a cold, the Pope asked an aide to read his reflection on St Luke’s Gospel account of the Visitation at his general audience held inside the Vatican’s Paul VI Audience Hall.
“The Virgin Mary visits St Elizabeth, but it is above all Jesus, in his mother’s womb, who visits his people,” he said. “Mary gets up and sets out on a journey, like all those who are called to in the Bible.”
During the audience, the Pope explained that the “unlimited readiness” of the men and women of the Bible is “the only act” that enabled them to respond to God’s call, particularly during times of uncertainty.
“This young daughter of Israel does not choose to protect herself from the world,” he said. “She does not fear dangers and the judgments of others but goes out toward other people.”
Highlighting the need for people to know and feel loved by God, Francis encouraged Christians to be open to receiving God’s love, “a force that sets love in motion” and, like the Mother of God, passing it on to others.
“Mary feels the push of this love and goes to help a woman who is her relative but also an elderly woman who, after a long wait, is welcoming an unhoped-for pregnancy, difficult to deal with at her age,” he said.
“But the Virgin also goes to Elizabeth to share her faith in the God of the impossible and her hope in the fulfillment of his promises,” he continued.
After asking pilgrims at the Vatican to pray for peace in Ukraine and for all countries at war, the Holy Father invited his listeners to also welcome Mary into their lives and to ask “for the grace to be able to wait for the fulfilment of every one of his promises.”
Pope Francis: Faith in God is ‘a force that sets love in motion’ in the world (By Kristina Millare, CNA)